Anic, F., Penava, D., Guljaš, I., Sarhosis, V., Abrahamczyk, L., Butenweg, Ch. (2018):
The effect of openings on out-of-plane capacity of masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June 2018.


Göbel, L., Mucha, F., Kavrakov, I., Abrahamczyk, L., Kraus, M. (2018):
Einfluss realer Materialeigenschaften auf numerische Modellvorhersagen: Fallstudie Betonmast, Bautechnik 95 (2), 111-122. https://doi.org/10.1002/bate.201600091


Maiwald, H.; Schwarz, J. (2018):
Vereinheitlichte Schadensbeschreibung und Risikobewertung von Bauwerken unter extremen Naturgefahren. Bautechnik 95 (2018) 10, 743-755. https://doi.org/10.1002/bate.201800009Download (2.4MB)


Penava D., Anić F., Abrahamczyk L., Guljaš I. (2018):
International Elective Master of Science Course (IntElM) Nonlinear Analysis of Structures: Reinforced Concrete Frames with Masonry Infill Walls, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet Osijek, 2019 (ISBN 978-953-6962-57-0; link).


Schwarz, A.; Schwarz, J.; Oikonomou, M. (2018):
Long-Term Evaluation of Post-Disaster Reconstruction - The Case Study of Aigio, Greece, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June 2018.


Schwarz, J.; Maiwald, H.; Kaufmann, C.; Langhammer, T.; Beinersdorf, S. (2018):
Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und Tools zur Bewertung der Multi Hazard Verletzbarkeit von Bestandsbauten. Bautechnik 95 (2018) 09, 639-652. https://doi.org/10.1002/bate.201800010Download (3.2MB)


Schwarz, J.; Maiwald, H.; Kaufmann, C.; Beinersdorf, S. (2018):
Evaluation of the vulnerability of existing building stocks under single and Multi Hazard impact, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June 2018. http://papers.16ecee.org/files/Paper ID 11641 final.pdf


Schwarz, J.; Golbs, C.; Kaufmann, C.; Westerterp, A. (2018):
Seismic Monitoring and Event Detection System for the Power Plant Site Eemshaven, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 June 2018.