TaskForce Einsatz Indien 1993
Killari, Indien, Erdbeben vom 29. September 1993
Auswertung durch:
H.-G. Schmidt (HAB Weimar)
gemeinsam mit
M. Baumbach, H. Grosser u.a. (GFZ Potsdam)
Parameter des Hauptbebens:
Magnitude: M 6.3

Schmidt, H.-G. (1993): Das Killari-Erdbeben vom 29.9.1993 im Bundesstaat Maharashtra/Indien. D-A-CH Mitteilungsblatt 10/93, 75--81.
Schmidt, H.-G. (1994): Ingenieuranalyse des Latur - Erdbebens (Indien) vom 29.9.1993. Schriftenreihe der DGEB.
Baumbach, M., Grosser, H., Schmidt, H.-G., Ramakrishna, C.V., Indra Mohan (1994): Study of the Foreshocks and Aftershocks of the Intraplate Latur Earthquake of September 30, 1993, India. Memoir Geological Society of India, Bangalore, 1994, No. 35, 33--63.
Schwarz, J.; Schmidt, H.-G. (1998): Lessons from Recent Earthquakes. In: "Immediate Post-Earthquake Investigations - a German Contribution to the IDNDR". Manuskript. German TaskForce for Earthquakes and DGEB, 1998.
Baumbach, M., Grosser, H., Schmidt, H.-G., Paulat, A., Rietbrock, A., Ramakrishna Rao, C.V., Solomon Raju, P., Sarkar, D., Mohan, I. (1994): Study of the Foreshocks and Aftershocks of the Intraplate Latur Earthquake of September 30, 1993, India. "Latur Earthquake" Memoir 35, Geological Society of India, 33--63.
Krishna, V.G., Rao, C.V.R.K., Gupta, H.K., Sakar, D., Baumbach, M. (1999): Seismic Velocity Structure in the Epicentral Region of the Latur Earthquake (Sept. 29, 1993), Southern India: Inferences from Modelling of the Aftershock Seismograms. Tectonophysics 304, 3, 1999, 241--255.