TaskForce Einsatz Chile 1995
Antofagasta, Chile, Erdbeben vom 30. Juli 1995
Auswertung durch:
H.-G. Schmidt (HAB Weimar)
gemeinsam mit
M. Baumbach, H. Grosser u.a. (GFZ Potsdam)
Parameter des Hauptbebens:
Magnitude: Ml 6.8, Ms 7.3

Schmidt, H.-G., Steinwachs, M., Wuttke, F. (1998): Engineering Analysis and Strong Motion Analysis of the July 30th, 1995 Earthquake in Antofagasta/Chile. In: "Immediate Post-Earthquake Investigations - a German Contribution to the IDNDR". Manuskript. German TaskForce for Earthquakes and DGEB, 1998.
Schwarz, J., Schmidt, H.-G. (1998): Lessons from Recent Earthquakes. In: "Immediate Post-Earthquake Investigations - a German Contribution to the IDNDR". Manuskript. German TaskForce for Earthquakes and DGEB, 1998.
Sobiesiak, M. (2000): Fault Plane Structure of the Antofagasta, Chile Earthquake of 1995. Geophysical Research Letters 27, 4, 577--600, 2000.